Leander Church of Christ maintains an incredible pantry called Brighter Days Food Pantry. We stock canned goods and general grocery items and occasionally we have personal care items. We try to maintain healthy food options. When available we have fresh products such as meats, dairy products, and fresh vegetables and fruits. We are partners with the Central Texas Food Bank, Keep Austin Fed, Trader Joe's, Starbucks, Kohl's, Costco, Randall's, and 365 Whole Foods. We are blessed to assist 240 families (or over 400 people) per week! We have one of the few evening pantries in the entire Austin area and it is open every Wednesday from 5:30PM - 7:00PM. You are welcome to come as often as you need. We operate by curbside pickup only. 


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Upcoming Events

It's time to get registered for all our events. Click the image below to register now!

Bible Initiative

We’re excited to announce that our students no longer have to wait until they graduate to receive a Bible!  From now on, whenever a student enters the youth ministry, they’re given a Bible to use throughout the duration of their time in the youth group.  To learn more about why the change and how it’ll work, click the button below.

Student Ministry Forms

The following forms are required for every student who participates in any event or overnight trip, excluding Sunday morning Bible Class or HUDDLES.