Our Connect Groups are an important ministry in the life of our church family and one that we encourage everyone to be a part of. Different groups meet in people’s homes for a meal, prayer, and study most Sunday evenings. This is a great place to build relationships as we seek to be a community that is shaped more into the image of Jesus Christ. For more information on our Connect Groups, see one of our ministers, Whit or Alan. If you want to find a group to connect with, click the button below.

What To Expect
We value the community and give priority to Connect Group meetings.
We keep what is said within the Connect Group confidential. This
should be a place where members feel comfortable sharing their life.
should be a place where members feel comfortable sharing their life.
We encourage and support one another and participate in fellowship and
bible study discussions.
bible study discussions.
We are open to receiving calls in times of need and should strive to
support our Connect Group.
support our Connect Group.
We seek to be open and honest with one another. Each Connect Group is a
place where members can be themselves and share their lives without fear of
place where members can be themselves and share their lives without fear of
We communicate in ways that are respectful and only give advice when it is
requested. We must strive to listen to one another, encourage, support and tell the
truth in loving ways.
requested. We must strive to listen to one another, encourage, support and tell the
truth in loving ways.