We're Here To Help

Benevolence Request for Assistance

Solicitud de ayuda de beneficencia

Our benevolence program offers temporary support to individuals facing short-term challenges, helping them regain stability during difficult times. While we strive to assist as many people as possible, our services are limited to those within the community surrounding Leander.  Not everyone may qualify, and we appreciate your understanding as we focus on serving those closest to us.

We serve the following zip codes: 78641     78613     78642     78645     78646
Please allow up to 3 days to receive a response via email.
Nuestro programa de beneficencia ofrece apoyo temporal a personas que enfrentan desafíos a corto plazo, ayudándolas a recuperar la estabilidad durante tiempos difíciles. Si bien nos esforzamos por ayudar a la mayor cantidad de personas posible, nuestros servicios se limitan a quienes se encuentran dentro de la comunidad que rodea a Leander. Es posible que no todos califiquen, y agradecemos su comprensión mientras nos enfocamos en servir a los más cercanos a nosotros.

Brindamos servicios en los siguientes códigos postales: 78641, 78613,  78642,  78645,  78646
Por favor, espere hasta 3 días para recibir una respuesta por correo electrónico.

Leander Church of Christ maintains an incredible pantry called Brighter Days Food Pantry. We stock canned goods and general grocery items and occasionally we have personal care items. We try to maintain healthy food options. When available we have fresh products such as meats, dairy products, and fresh vegetables and fruits.

We are partners with the Central Texas Food Bank, Keep Austin Fed, Costco, Randall's, Walmart, 365 Whole Foods and the Austin Diaper Bank. We are blessed to assist 240 families (or over 400 people) per week! We are proud to offer one of the few evening pantry services in the Austin area, open every Wednesday from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM, or until we have served 240 families, whichever comes first. We welcome you to visit as often as needed. For the safety and convenience of all, we operate with curbside pickup only—unfortunately, walk-ups are not permitted. If you do not have access to a vehicle, we encourage you to visit one of the nearby pantries that offer walk-in services.

HOPE Program

HOPE (Healthy Options Program for the Elderly) with Brighter Days Food Pantry is a curbside pick up service providing additional food items to seniors and adults with disabilities age 55+ who have been identified as being the most nutritionally at risk.  We give out groceries and other necessities on the third Tuesday of every month, from 1:30-2:15.  If you come to HOPE, you can also come back every Wednesday for our regular Food Pantry.  We operate by curbside pickup only.
Benevolence Number: (512) 259-6928
Brighter Days Food Pantry Hours:
Wednesdays, 5:30pm-7:00pm
Zip Codes Our Food Pantry Serves:
78641, 78613, 78642, 78645, & 78646
Food Pantry Email:
HOPE Program:
3rd Tuesday of Month, 1:30-2:15pm
Leander Church of Christ mantiene una despensa increíble llamada Brighter Days Food Pantry. Disponemos de productos enlatados y comestibles en general y, ocasionalmente, tenemos artículos de cuidado personal. Tratamos de mantener opciones de alimentos saludables. Cuando están disponibles tenemos productos frescos como carnes, productos lácteos y verduras y frutas frescas.

Somos socios del Central Texas Food Bank, Keep Austin Fed, Costco, Randall's,Walmart, 365 Whole Foods, y Austin Diaper Banke. ¡Tenemos la suerte de ayudar a 240 familias (o más de 400 personas) por semana! Estamos orgullosos de ofrecer uno de los pocos servicios de despensa vespertinos en el área de Austin, abierto todos los miércoles de 5:30 p. m. a 7:00 p. m., o hasta que hayamos atendido a 240 familias, lo que ocurra primero. Lo invitamos a visitarnos con la frecuencia que necesite. Para la seguridad y conveniencia de todos, operamos solo con recogida en la acera; desafortunadamente, no se permiten visitas sin cita previa. Si no tiene acceso a un vehículo, lo alentamos a visitar una de las despensas cercanas que ofrecen servicios sin cita previa.

HOPE Programa

HOPE (Programa de opciones saludables para personas mayores) con Brighter Days Food Pantry es un servicio de recogida en la acera que proporciona alimentos adicionales a personas mayores y adultos con discapacidades mayores de 55+ años que han sido identificados como los que tienen mayor riesgo nutricional. Repartimos comestibles y otras necesidades el tercer martes de cada mes, de 1:30 a 2:15. Si vienes a HOPE, también puedes regresar todos los miércoles para nuestra Despensa de Alimentos habitual. Operamos únicamente con recogida en la acera.
If you would like to donate to our pantry you can bring donations to our building at 300 Crystal Falls Parkway in Leander, Texas between the hours of 10AM to 3PM, Monday through Friday. We except any kind of donation you wish to give. We are confident God will help us use it in a way that will bless those in need.

Food Pantry FAQs

Despensa de Alimentos FAQs

What do I need to bring?
Our Food Pantry serves only individuals and families in the following zip codes - 78641, 78613, 78642, 78645, and 78646. If you come to the food pantry for the first time, you may be asked to provide some form of identification or utility bill that shows you live in one of those zip codes.
Do you give out diapers?
We are a proud partner of the Austin Diaper Bank and provide diapers and wipes on Wednesday nights. Sometimes we are able to provide other baby needs, such as formula, but it is not guaranteed.

If you need adult diapers, we give them out during our HOPE Program on the third Tuesday of every month from 1:30-2:15. This program is for those age 55+
How does the curbside pickup work?
When you enter the church's parking lot, use the far western entrance. Parking lot attendants will direct you to a row, where you will drive up and wait until it is your turn. Once they direct you, you will circle around to a check-in attendant, who will get your information and what you need. You will then drive to another area to receive your food.  Simply unlock your vehicle and workers will put boxes and bags of groceries in your car.  If you request diapers, you will be sent to another lane to receive those along with your food.  Once they are done loading everything up for you, drive around and exit the parking lot using the eastern exit.

We give out food until we run out of everything for the week, which is usually up to around 240 prepared boxes. Once we reach capacity, we close off the west entrance.

We cannot serve you if you do not come in a vehicle.
¿Qué necesito traer?
Nuestra despensa de alimentos atiende solo a personas y familias en los siguientes códigos postales: 78641, 78613, 78642, 78645 y 78646. Si viene a la despensa de alimentos por primera vez, es posible que se le solicite que proporcione algún tipo de identificación o factura de servicios públicos. eso muestra que vives en uno de esos códigos postales.
¿Regalas pañales?
Somos un orgulloso socio del Austin Diaper Bank y proporcionamos pañales y toallitas los miércoles por la noche. A veces podemos satisfacer otras necesidades del bebé, como fórmula, pero no está garantizado.

Si necesita pañales para adultos, los entregamos durante nuestro Programa HOPE el tercer martes de cada mes de 1:30 a 2:15. Este programa es para mayores de 55 años.
¿Cómo funciona la recogida en la acera?
Cuando ingrese al estacionamiento de la iglesia, use la entrada del extremo occidental. Los asistentes del estacionamiento lo dirigirán a una fila, donde conducirá y esperará hasta que sea su turno. Una vez que lo indiquen, se dirigirá a un asistente de check-in, quien obtendrá su información y lo que necesita. Luego conducirá a otra área para recibir su comida. Simplemente desbloquee su vehículo y los trabajadores colocarán cajas y bolsas de comestibles en su automóvil. Si solicita pañales, lo enviarán a otro carril para recibirlos junto con su comida. Una vez que hayan terminado de cargar todo para usted, conduzca y salga del estacionamiento por la salida este.

Repartimos comida hasta que nos quedamos sin todo para la semana, que suele ser unas 240 cajas preparadas. Una vez que alcancemos la capacidad, cerramos la entrada oeste.

No podemos atenderle si no viene en vehículo.
Brighter Days Food Pantry is an equal opportunity provider.
As a part of our Brighter Days Ministries, we also operate a Clothes Closet. We provide new and gently used clothes, shoes, and jackets to men, woman, and children. We serve our community 3 Saturdays per calendar year, usually in January, April, and August from 10am – 1pm. Before each giveaway, the date will be posted on the marquee out front of the building. We also advertise on Facebook and the Nextdoor app. Occasionally on Wednesday evenings during the Food Pantry, we give our overstock clothing out. We are very thankful that God provides our needs. We are blessed with an abundance of donations from individuals and our members here.

If you would like to donate to the Brighter Days Clothes Closet, please bring donations to the office at 300 Crystal Falls Parkway in Leander between 10am-3pm. For questions about large quantities (more than 2-3 bags) or frequent donations, please call the church office.
We appreciate everyone who makes this ministry possible, including all of our wonderful volunteers!

Free Clothing Giveaway

Our clothing giveaway dates for 2025 are:
February 22
May 17
August 9
November 8
To sign up for  future clothes closet giveaway notifications , please sign up by sending a text to 81010 and text this message @ccall2021 or by using this link: https://www.remind.com/join/ccall2021.

Each future event will “at that time” provide a  calendar link for you to reserve your spot and time at the closet!

We really appreciate your support and thank you for attending our clothes closet. We look forward to serving our local community in this way and are very thankful for ALL that God provides to each of us every day.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-based support group for all of us with hurts, habits and hang-ups from various events that have happened in our lives.  There are others that share our pain and experiences.  We celebrate that there is hope & recovery!

Celebrate Recovery is not just for those struggling with alcohol, drugs or substance abuse.  It is for all of us that battle depression, issues with food, self-control, anger, guilt, self-confidence, relationships, sexual addiction or abuse, co-dependency, trust...any sin, hurt, hang-up or habit that is holding you back from being the amazing person God created you to be.  

We are not alone.  Working through the Biblical Principals and Steps with others that identify with our pain, love and support us will give us freedom from these burdens.

Join us on the road to recovery and let's celebrate our victories!

Meeting Agenda

Every Thursday Night 6:30-9:00pm
6:30-7:00 - Food and Fellowship (Fellowship Hall)
7:00-8:00 - Large Group (Fellowship Hall)
8:05-9:00 - Open Share Groups (Various Classrooms)
9:00 - Coffee and Dessert (Fellowship Hall)
**Childcare provided from 7-9pm upon request**
If you wish to attend but need childcare assistance, please click below to register
To learn more about Celebrate Recovery, you can visit the official website at https://celebraterecovery.com.