
Our goal is to inspire children to fall in love with Jesus and empower them to live out God’s plan for their lives.  We strive to partner with and equip parents in helping their children become lifelong disciples of Jesus.  We have classes for all ages: Cradle Roll (0 ~ 18 mo), Toddler (18 - 36 mo), Pre-K (3 - 4 years old), Kindergarten - 2nd, and 3rd - 5th grades.

We are always looking to empower parents as the biggest influence in discipling their kids, so be on the lookout for regular special events like "Muffins with Moms" and "Donuts with Dads" where we create spaces for families to grow in their walk together.

During the school year from Labor to Memorial Day, we also offer a weekly "Bible Hour" during the worship service.  This serves as a way for us to provide age appropriate opportunities for kids to learn, engage the Bible, and interact with each other. Toddler (ages 2-3) meet in Room 8. Children’s Bible Hour (ages 4 years - 2nd grade) meet in the Fellowship Hall. Children are escorted by a parent to Bible Hour after the offering and picked up at the end of service.

All volunteers are ChildSafe approved. Learn more about our child protection policy HERE.

Check Out The FBX 2024 Recap!

On June 23-25, 2024  we held our Family Bible Xperience! It  was a faith, fun, and family filled DIVE into deeper friendship with Jesus!  Thank you to all our amazing volunteers who made this week possible! And thank you to all the families who joined us to dive in and grow together! We can't wait for FBX next year! 
Lighthouse Student Ministries exists to grow into a community of strong believers, rooted in God’s love, whose lives are transformed into the image of Jesus Christ in hopes of strengthening each other to live the Christian lifestyle and to shine our light in the darkness.

 You can join us weekly for our Sunday morning Bible Classes for Middle School and High School students, or for our Wednesday night HUDDLES.  We also have annual retreats, service opportunities, weekend trips to Soul Link (Houston) and Encounter LE (Lubbock Christian University), Summer camps to Kadesh (Abilene Christian University) and Pine Springs (New Mexico), and mission trip to Camp Beloved & Beyond.  Whatever it is, there is an opportunity for you to get plugged into a great community of young believers who seek to shine their lights and will help you learn how to shine yours.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-based support group for all of us with hurts, habits and hang-ups from various events that have happened in our lives.  There are others that share our pain and experiences.  We celebrate that there is hope & recovery!

Celebrate Recovery is not just for those struggling with alcohol, drugs or substance abuse.  It is for all of us that battle depression, issues with food, self-control, anger, guilt, self-confidence, relationships, sexual addiction or abuse, co-dependency, trust...any sin, hurt, hang-up or habit that is holding you back from being the amazing person God created you to be.  

You are not alone.  Working through the Biblical Principals and Steps with others that identify with your pain, love and support you will give you freedom from these burdens.

Join us on the road to recovery every Thursday from 6:30-9pm.
**Childcare provided  upon request** 
One of the ways we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community is through the Brighter Days Food Pantry. We stock canned goods and general grocery items as well as personal care items. We try to maintain healthy food options, and regularly have fresh meats, dairy products,  and fresh fruits and vegetables. We are partners with the Central Texas Food Bank, Keep Austin Fed, Trader Joe's, Starbucks, Kohl's, Costco, Randall's, and 365 Whole Foods.

We want to be an encouragement for those who are struggling in our neighborhood. This ministry allows us to meet those who are searching for answers,  help them physically, and creates an opportunity for us to build relationships and minister to their spiritual needs as well.
The pantry is open every Wednesday from 5:30-7pm, and serves over 250 families with food for the week.
As a part of our Brighter Days Ministries, we also operate a clothes closet. We provide new and gently used clothes, shoes, and jackets to men, women, and children. We serve our community 3 Saturdays per calendar year, usually in January, April, and August from 10am – 1pm.  We are very thankful that God provides for our needs, and we are blessed with an abundance of donations from members of our community.

"The Bridge" Young Adults 

Our young adult Ministry seeks to equip disciples from 18-35 be all that Jesus would have them to be, and live the mission they were made for as they navigate and negotiate this important life-stage. Since this era of life is so multi-faceted, we’ve developed a multi-tiered ministry that meets this group right where they are, through our Connect Group, SKILLS of discipleship pathway, and service opportunities. 
Our Connect Groups are an important ministry in the life of our church family and one that we encourage everyone to be a part of! Groups meet in homes for a meal, prayer, and study most Sunday evenings, though each group is free to meet whenever is most beneficial for them. This is a great place to live in community and build relationships as we seek to be shaped more into the image of Jesus Christ.  Feel free to contact our ministry coordinators Whit and Alan with any questions.  If you'd like to get plugged into a group, the button below will help you find the right fit for you!
The Family Ministry is led by Whit Pennock and his wife, Debby.  He has served in this role since 1999. It is the desire of the family ministry to help cultivate family discipleship. We want to help families become Christ-centered in their relationships with each other. Families that love God and desire to serve Him are the backbone of the congregation. Each family plays an important role in the life of the church and it is the desire of the family ministry to help your family find its place in the Leander Church of Christ.  Whatever condition your family is in…healthy or are important to us and our desire is to partner with you in seeking ways we can glorify and serve our Savior.
Buscas una comunidad amigable? Buscas ayuda emocional? Nosotros te podemos ayudar! La Iglesia de Cristo en Leander les invita a estudiar las escrituras.  Ven y adora a Dios con nosotros, todos son bienvenidos. Nuestro estudio bíblico se encuentra todos los domingos a las 9:30 de la mañana.  

"Perseveraban en la doctrina de los apostoles,  en la  communion unos con otros,en el partimiento del pan y en las oraciones."
-Hechos 2:42