Meeting God

May 28, 2023    Marcus Stenson

In Chapter 6 of Isaiah, the prophet meets God face to face. The result is surprising, but reveals a principle that holds do much value for every single one of us. There is a difference between 'knowing about God', and actually meeting Him.

When Isaiah met Him, experienced a total deconstruction and reconstruction of his own identity. We all will when we meet God face to face. In response, Isaiah says the words that we often sing, and often hope that we would also say… “Send Me”.

Have you met God? What would happen if instead of merely meeting 3 times a week, ever disciple went ‘On Mission’ and began meeting the places of brokenness in the world around them with their unique talents, giftings, and resources? What if you said "Send Me"?

It would look a lot like love. It would look a lot like Jesus.