You Were Made For A Purpose, Passion, and POWER!

Apr 5, 2024    Marcus Stenson, Anthony Walker, Kelvin Teamer

Brothers and sisters from all over central Texas, DFW, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Florida, and Tennessee came together to rediscover and rally around the revolutionary MISSION of Jesus:

“Go make disciples”

Jesus calls us to, and promises us a life of passion, purpose, and POWER when we join Him on mission. And each of us is specially equipped, gifted, and resourced to bring unique value to the kingdom. It’s time to step into His mission for us, TOGETHER!

We can’t wait to share more from Momentum and the mission with you! Keep an eye on this playlist where we'll be uploading keynote sessions, select breakouts, and info on how you can 👇👇👇

Tap in to the mission you were made for 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼

Plug in to Kingdom right here, right now 🔌

Power Up your life with real purpose 🔋