Whether You Like It Or Not

Aug 6, 2023    Marcus Stenson

They say there are a few things in life that are certain…and the conversation always ends up with taxes. For all the time we try to laugh off the reality that Uncle Sam relentlessly comes for us all – in life we experience this in so many more places than those usual suspects. There are just some things that seem to be laws of the universe – that we will all run up against at some point or another. And sometimes so often that we start to speak of those instances in ways like “that’s just how it goes”, or “happens to the best of us”. There are just some things that "are" - whether you like it or not. It's important to talk about these things openly because one such reality like this drives deeper than any other. It’s invasive. It’s uncomfortable. It’s inconvenient. It’s the most “whether you like it or not” moment in all of history...And like all these other realities, we would do well to honestly think through the implications every so often so that we can respond accordingly. That reality, is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.